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LLMs Reading Group Series: LLMs and Their Applications

Aug 04, 2023 · 1 min read
LLMs Reading Group Series: LLMs and Their Applications
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During the fourth presentation of the LLM reading group, our PhD student Huy Nguyen introduced ChatGPT and its applications.

The talk began by introducing the technical details of ChatGPT, including the model architecture, the training objectives and the development of GPT series. Then Huy introduced how ChatGPT is applied to various applications to improve productivity and even revolutionize the ways people work and live. Specifically, some typical applications of ChatGPT includes text generation, code generation and medical diagnosis. Finally, Huy emphasized that ChatGPT is also challenging human ethics. For example, ChatGPT may have obvious politcal stance that would cause information cocoon. There is also a high likelihood that ChatGPT and similar products will be used for plagiarism.

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