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Computational Social Science Reading Group Series: AI-enabled knowledge sharing and learning: redesigning roles and processes

Jul 20, 2023 · 1 min read
Computational Social Science Reading Group Series: AI-enabled knowledge sharing and learning: redesigning roles and processes
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Here at Swinburne, we just hosted our second Computational Social Science Reading group with the collaboration of colleagues at University of Queensland, part of Centre for Information Resilience (CIRES). Dr. Hui Yin leads the conversation today with a focus on a paper about knowledge management titled “ AI-enabled knowledge sharing and learning: redesigning roles and processes” < Sundaresan, S., & Zhang, Z. (2022). AI-enabled knowledge sharing and learning: redesigning roles and processes. International journal of organizational analysis, 30(4), 983-999>. Pa pa Khin gave a detailed introduction to this paper. This research paper provides a comprehensive framework for analyzing AI’s impact on various practices in knowledge management, as well as its impact on knowledge workers’ roles and processes. It uncovers the vital necessity of tailored AI-enabled knowledge management systems to cater to modern knowledge worker demands.

We had a productive conversation about the role of AI in facilitating organizational knowledge sharing and learning, and how it can support knowledge management activities.

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